Monday, July 12, 2010


My name is Bryan Smith, I am 25 years old and live in Vancouver, WA. I am relatively recent graduate of Western Oregon University where I received a bachelors of science in History with a minor in Social Science. I am currently attending Concordia University where I am attempting to receive a Masters of Arts in Teaching. This blog is assignment that is part of that program.
Part of this assignment is to tell y'all what my favorite animal is (or the one I find the most entertaining to share with people). The answer that I am giving you is the duck-billed platypus. I know you are asking why, and I don't really have a good answer to give you. The best one I can come up with is this, Kevin Smith said in the movie dogma "the duck-billed platypus shows that god has a sense of humor", sounds like a good reason to me. Well there it is, you know who I am, or at least my name and where I am; and y'all know that I like the duck-billed platypus.

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